Schedules and Prices /

Information about Schedules and Prices.

Chillan - Valle las Trancas

Monday to Saturday

7:00 hrs.
8:00 hrs.
10:10 hrs.
12:40 hrs.
14:00 hrs.
15:30 hrs.
17:10 hrs.

Sunday and Holidays

7:00 hrs.
8:00 hrs.
10:10 hrs.
13:30 hrs.

Price General: CLP $2.700.-
Price Student: CLP $1.890.-
Price Elderly: CLP $1.350.-

Valle las Trancas - Chillan

Monday to Saturday

7:30 hrs.
8:50 hrs.
10:15 hrs.
13:00 hrs.
15:10 hrs.
17:00 hrs.
17:30 hrs.
19:15 hrs (until El Rosal)

Sunday and Holidays

8:50 hrs.
10:15 hrs.
13:15 hrs.
17:00 hrs.

Price General: CLP $2.700.-
Price Student: CLP $1.890.-
Price Elderly: CLP $1.350.-

Chillan - Termas de Chillan

Monday to Saturday

08:00 hrs.
14:00 hrs.

Sunday and Holidays

08:00 hrs.
13:30 hrs.

Price General: CLP $3.900.-
Price Elderly: CLP $1.950.-

Termas de Chillan - Chillan

Monday to Saturday

09:50 hrs.
16:30 hrs.

Sunday and Holidays

09:50 hrs.
16:30 hrs.

Price General: CLP $3.900.-
Price Elderly: CLP $1.950.-
*WINTER: VALID FROM 18/06 TO 12/08

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